Refund Policy

Heetii Refund and Cancellation Policy

Last Updated: August 19, 2024

1. Introduction

This Refund and Cancellation Policy ("Policy") outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds and cancellations are handled on the Heetii platform. By using the Heetii website, mobile application, or related services (collectively, the "Platform"), you agree to this Policy. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use the Platform.

2. Role of Heetii

2.1. Independent Service Providers

Heetii is a technology platform that connects users ("Clients") with independent contractors ("Service Providers") for handyman services. Heetii does not provide handyman services directly and is not responsible for the quality, safety, or performance of the services provided by Service Providers.

2.2. No Liability for Refunds

Heetii is not liable for any refunds or reimbursements related to services booked through the Platform. Any disputes regarding service quality, cancellations, or refunds must be resolved directly between the Client and the Service Provider.

3. Cancellation Policy

3.1. Cancellation by Clients

  • Advance Notice: Clients may cancel a service booking by contacting the Service Provider directly. The timing and method of cancellation must comply with the specific terms agreed upon between the Client and the Service Provider.
  • Provider’s Cancellation Terms: Each Service Provider may have their own cancellation policy, including fees or penalties for late cancellations. Clients should review and understand these terms before booking a service.
  • No Refund by Heetii: Heetii will not process any refunds for cancellations. All refund requests must be directed to the Service Provider.

3.2. Cancellation by Service Providers

  • Service Provider Rights: Service Providers may cancel a booking at their discretion. In such cases, the Service Provider should notify the Client as soon as possible and, if applicable, provide a refund or reschedule the service.
  • Heetii’s Role: Heetii does not intervene in cancellation disputes and is not responsible for ensuring that Service Providers fulfill their commitments.

4. Refund Policy

4.1. Direct Refund Requests

  • Service Provider Responsibility: All refund requests must be made directly with the Service Provider. The Service Provider is solely responsible for determining the validity of a refund request and processing any refunds.
  • Conditions for Refunds: The conditions under which refunds are granted, including partial or full refunds, are determined by the Service Provider’s individual policies. Clients should clarify these terms with the Service Provider before booking services.

4.2. Heetii’s Non-Involvement

  • No Refund Processing: Heetii does not process refunds on behalf of Service Providers. Clients should not contact Heetii for refunds, as all refund requests must be handled directly by the Service Provider.
  • No Liability: Heetii is not liable for any losses, damages, or dissatisfaction related to the refusal or failure of a Service Provider to issue a refund.

5. Complaint Resolution

5.1. Filing Complaints

  • Client Complaints: If a Client believes that a Service Provider has acted unprofessionally, failed to provide services as agreed, or engaged in fraudulent activity, the Client may file a complaint with Heetii.
  • Service Provider Complaints: Service Providers may also file complaints against Clients for inappropriate behavior, non-payment, or other violations of the service agreement.
  • Complaint Submission: Complaints must be submitted through the Platform’s complaint submission form or by contacting Heetii’s customer support. The complaint should include all relevant details, including the nature of the complaint, date of the incident, and any supporting evidence.

5.2. Heetii’s Role in Complaint Resolution

  • Review and Investigation: Heetii will review all submitted complaints and may, at its discretion, investigate the matter. However, Heetii does not guarantee any specific outcome and is not obligated to mediate or resolve disputes between Clients and Service Providers.
  • No Guarantee of Action: Heetii reserves the right to take no action, even if a complaint is found to be valid, and is not liable for any outcomes related to the complaint process.

6. Membership Termination

6.1. Termination for Serious or Repeated Complaints

  • Heetii’s Discretion: Heetii reserves the right to terminate or suspend the membership or account of any Client or Service Provider who is the subject of serious or repeated complaints. This decision is made at Heetii’s sole discretion and may be based on the severity, frequency, or nature of the complaints.
  • Notice of Termination: In the event of termination, Heetii will provide notice to the affected party via the email address associated with their account. The termination will be effective immediately upon sending the notice.

6.2. No Reinstatement

  • Final Decision: All decisions regarding account termination are final, and Heetii is under no obligation to reinstate a terminated account.
  • No Refund of Membership Fees: In cases of membership termination due to complaints, any paid membership fees or balances are non-refundable.

7. Changes to This Policy

Heetii reserves the right to modify this Refund and Cancellation Policy at any time. The updated Policy will be posted on the Platform, and the "Last Updated" date will be revised accordingly. Your continued use of the Platform after any changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated Policy.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy, please contact us at: